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Eurybia isn’t made for taking candle-lit baths so much as it is for experiencing dazzling, hallucinogenic visions. Synths flicker like fireflies waltzing in the dark, while Heart’s voice refracts against itself in hard-panning echoes, at once inviting and disorienting. The sounds may be silky smooth, but in Heart’s hands they’re also exhilarating—a constantly unfurling tide of melodies spilling out in all directions at once while feeling eternally, peacefully still. - Pitchfork
Just as the ancient masters used a lyre to call upon the muses of inspiration, the music of Francesca Heart demonstrates the mysteries and possibilities still hidden in our technology. - Indie Hoy
I recall many influences from artists such as Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, and Popul Vuh, along with elements of East Asian and African music.
Xylophones are used on tracks such as “Lapis Lazulli!” and “Mercuria” to build a wall of alluring, hypnotic sonic density. Complimenting the music on the album is a bed of airy and ethereal analog synthesizers. Most impressive is the use of percussion throughout the release. Eerie synthesizers that tonally clash while maintaining a mystical, alluring quality.
- On the Fringes of Sound
The pieces assembled by Francesca Heart point directly to that accidental serialism where everything seems improvised but at the same time create a set of planned harmony that promises to leave you floating for a good while.
Fluorescent coral reefs, sub-aquatic creatures that seem to come from other worlds and childlike polyrhythm come together to chat in this album in such a natural way that getting lost in it is an almost automatic process. Its whispered algorithms, its bubbling randomness and the different timbres that Heart triggers act as a peaceful therapy in this journey that promises not only to calm the anxieties of our days but also to surprise with every cubic meter of this world of vibrant depth.
- Pargueland
The tones of bright chimes are distorted by low-end drones the way light is refracted by water’s surface. Sounds emerge from the depths, making themselves briefly known, before submerging again into mystery.
- Bandcamp·
Mixcloud radio shows . Sound journeys with a focus on New Age, Outernational, Fifth World genres.